IT WAS A VALENTINE’S CALL FOR ME – Do you remember what someone special in your life?

Saint Valentine’s Day, commonly known as Valentine’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is observed on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it remains a working day in most of them. The true romance of the celebration begins with the legend of St Valentine who was a priest, arrested and imprisoned for marrying Christian couples and for aiding Christians who were being persecuted during the reign of Claudius the Goth (Claudius II).
He was brought to prison where he was tortured in an attempt to make him renounce his Christian faith. When Valentine instead tried to convert Claudius, he was executed outside the Flaminian Gate on February 14.
For most people St Valentine’s Day is a day of affection, of kisses, candy, and flowers. But Valentine’s Day has a deeper meaning.
One legend says, while awaiting his execution, couples for whom he had conducted marriages brought him flowers and gifts to show their respect and admiration. This led to today’s tradition of presenting one’s Valentine with gifts. It is also said that while imprisoned, he restored the sight of his jailer’s blind daughter and that this miracle led to his eventual canonization. Pope Gelasius marked February 14 as a celebration in honour of his martyrdom in 496 AD. The legend of St Valentine is a tale of true love that transcends mere sentiments. Its noble purpose should inspire everyone. Let St Valentine be our model and inspiration for life and humanity.
I don’t remember the exact words I said on my wedding day 37 years ago but I do know they were traditional vows and I would have to recall to really getting it word for word. Don’t underestimate the power of looking your spouse in the eyes and saying words of commitment. Then on the flip side, to hear your spouse say these kinds of words to you, is beautiful music to the ears.
We cannot afford to forget the power of commitment in marriage. But when sacred words of commitment are seldom spoken, it’s easier to drift apart. Marriage vows and commitments made to God and each other are not to be said once and then erased over time and neglect. Telling your spouse once more, again and again, that you are committed to him or her until death do you part is a matter of books and small and silver screens.
I do recollect about one of my colleague – MS, a pretty, slim and beautiful and every staff member was attracted to her and anxious to talk to her. She had hardly shared any word with anyone. But I do remember the words I said to someone special in my life just after few days of my marriage when she came to my small chamber for the first time and it happens to be Valentine’s Day.
The words were, “My pleasure to see you here. Is it a courtesy call?”. She said in a smiling tone, “No, it is a Valentine’s call”. After that, we became friend and even after retirement, we are still in contact and give a Valentine call, to refresh our long back memories.