Memories of my witty friend…Da
Memories of my witty friend…Da
The words of Charles Spurgeon – It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness – fits well on one my old friend.
Good times and crazy, make friends the best memories, as behind us are memories, beside us are friends, before us are dreams. But one this is certain that so long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in your heart, you will definitely say that life is good. I had just shifted from my home town to the city beautiful – Chandigarh when I met one of my old colleague, a very witty as he could crack a joke or create a situation that no one can stop laughing. But sometimes, he used to say, please don’t laugh otherwise others could know the reality.
The city beautiful having the advance medical facility in PGI, most of his relatives and friends used to come to him to take him to the hospital for entry as there was the restriction of visitors except at the fixed hours. He was so self-assured and confident that he used to keep a stethoscope in his car. In such a situation he will put the stethoscope around his neck and move confidently to the ramp passage. When stopped by the guards to the persons following him as usual, he will look back and ask the guard to let him go.
After a decade, he was married to a beautiful girl who too was witty and used to give a company to her better-half on any such occasion.
Just to instigate the other persons with jealous attitude, my friend, to whom we had given a loveable name – Da – shortened from his caste Dhanda, was also very innovative to create new ideas to have fun.
Once, as I recollect now when I sit on my writing table and put my hands on the smart keyboards – which has made easy to write and do corrections instantly on the screen – when created a witty scene in the bus while he was traveling from Chandigarh to Kasauli and I was accompanying him. Before boarding the bus, he gave the directions that we all will sit on separate seats and will purchase tickets separately.
It happened so that after purchasing the ticket and crossing Kalka, ‘Da’ got up from his seat and sit with his wife sitting in the next row. After some time, they just started talking and laughing. They were so mixed up with each other and they had no inhibition in hugging as they were husband and wife. But the other co-passengers were started seeing with suspicious eyes. The conductor too noticed that they had purchased the ticket independently but developed intimacy with the beautiful girl.
I was all watching this scene and could not stop laughing when the conductor sitting beside me while counting his tickets and cash, murmured, dear see, they independently boarded the bus and now enjoying. But when I disclosed to him that he is my friend and he is fond of making new stories daily, to enjoy the jealous look of others and sometimes, he could not stop laughing.
The more surprising was when the conductor of the bus offered us a cup of tea on reaching Kasauli bus stand and appreciated our style of living and enjoying.
Frankly speaking, On my shifting back to my home town in 1986, I lost my contact with him. But wherever, he will be, he must be enjoying much more now.