Me Too, You Too …. ….!!!

Me Too, You Too …. ….!!!
Everything on this planet earth has gone upside down with the spread of COVID-19.
Let us do an exercise for a moment, before reading the following text as to what has come to your mind about the words that would suffix to the title Mee Too, You too.
On Corona-virus, the global figures are 2,23,33,941 cases, 1,60,820 deaths, 6,00,143 recovered, active cases 15,72,708, closed cases 7,61,233 – making addition of 3148 cases with 177 deaths.
So far as India is concerned, there is no addition of new case today and cases detected are 16,365 with 521 deaths with recovery of 2466 leaving the active cases to 13,378.
The figures are definitely alarming and so far, when no vaccine has been invented, the only remedial measures are to maintain the strong immunity by taking healthy food and stay at home during the lock-down period.  
Two days back, I got a call from one of close friends, advising me to stay at home as elderly people are more prone to this Corona as per the statistics released by the WHO – World Health Organization.  
After a few minutes, another call was received – Dear, in your 70s, you are still young and why don’t you come out being a professional? My reply was, Dear VV, Thanks for the compliments and I being an on-line reporter, get everything while at home and doing Table Journalism.  The caller just laughed over my these two words.
While sitting at home since the announcement of lock-down – for the safety of myself but also for those, who are doing their duty – medical professionals and various volunteers helping the needy and poor people – risking their lives. I decided to go out in my own car with windows glasses and AC on, proper sensitization of hands, taking no risk to be in contact with anyone and met a very senior officer. 
Happy to hear the instant observation, on my taking leave – stay for a while – I get energy from persons like you doing a lot of work in this age, putting wiser the readers about the latest happening around us.
Frankly speaking, internally everyone is worried about the outcome despite the fact that everyone talk about the positivity.  Perhaps, survival is the fittest formula is working to balance the imbalance in nature.
So, without going into any of such logic, Me Too, You Too, take care is the best formula to fit ourselves in this nature.


Blog Writer