Why go the other way…?

Why go the other way…?

Normally, we go, by the way, we are told because that would be the right
path. After all, the person telling you by his experience might
have tried the same. But that does not mean you should not try the other
lanes. If you will not try, how you could stop others not to try the
same. It is necessary someone must try other ways also.


We should also not live a stereotypical life. We must try something
different to share our experiences with others to decide by them or
differentiate between right, wrong, or beyond. We should not expect
anything; rather we should do something as with expectations we invite
disappointments. One should try to become an inspiration to many who
are waiting for something to happen especially in their life. We should
stop expecting gratitude from the world and always try to express
gratitude to the world around us.


Every a good human being would like to be rich but it is not necessarily
everyone could be rich. A man has made the technology and not the
technology that has made the man. We have to tap the sources and
potential within us which will help us to tap into the most powerful


Swami Sivananda said, there is no end to craving. Hence contentment
alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment.
Contentment does not come from achievement. It comes from within by
putting control over your desires – which are otherwise a hope to live.
You have to go the other way by diverting your attention from the path
which takes you to the world of ‘desires’. True contentment depends
upon what we have. Contentment is work so engrossing that you do not
know that you are working.


Frankly speaking, to further simplify it, contentment doesn’t mean you
should not be ambitious. Contentment only means I will cherish what I
have without regrets. It could only be possible if we have the will to go
the other way