What would happen if computers’  ‘Ctrl+z’ to undo option has in life?

What would happen if computers’  ‘Ctrl+z’ to undo option has in life?


Have you ever thought about what would happen if the computer ‘Ctrl+Z’ were to undo the option in your life?

I still note down my thoughts by using the beautiful bunch of pens on my writing table and bedside and later on elaborate the same while sitting before the desktop or laptop. We all know that computer functioning is based on the GIGO term – garbage in garbage out.  But I put the name of my domain as DIDO – Data In Data Out and sometimes suffix it with my name and now even called by a few of my known, DIDO Baba.  In simple words, whatever you will put in the computer, I mean feed the data in the computer; you will get the same in the output or the print form.  However, with the programming provisions, you can change its formation or calculations by applying the formulas in the Excel sheets.

The invention of the computer has brought a sea change in the working style. In this digital era, the keyboard and its functions, have their importance.   While it has made it easy for writers, to write and rewrite, edit, and have formats and fonts of their choice, it has made it easy working in banking or corporate or private sectors, to search for anything while sitting at home or with rolling of thumbnail on the small gadgets called mobile and enjoy the services, without moving out of the house. It not only saves time rather it has a quick action, as per one’s requirement.

Among the few keyboard functions on the computer are – By pressing Ctrl C (Control C) you can copy any content and with Ctrl P (Control Paste) you can paste the copied contents anywhere on the screen or any file. Similarly, Ctrl Z (Control Z) allows you to undo your actions.

I recollect when I learned the operation of computers especially the Microsoft software for writing, I did not know about the ‘Ctrl Z’ function and I had to retype the full two pages.  But thanks to the young man who taught me the basic key functions. Now, when I forget to save the typed contents, I use the command/Control Z – undo option.

There was also a time when I used to write with a pen and later on, on a typewriter, where the mistakes could be corrected with an eraser but still leave an impression of erasing and retyping. There have been new inventions of cyclostyle machines, photocopiers, fax and then desktop computers, laptops, iPads and now mobiles with several features.

If the “ctrl+z” function like in computer programs is possible in our life, it would allow people to undo their actions and go back to a previous state. This could have both positive and negative implications. On the positive side, it could provide opportunities for people to learn from mistakes and make better choices. However, it could also lead to a lack of accountability and responsibility for one’s actions. Overall, it’s an interesting concept to think about, but it raises complex philosophical and ethical questions about the nature of life and decision-making.

Frankly speaking, when I thought for a moment of the function of  ctrl+z in life,  the funny answers could be if I dye my hair pink, I punch some people in the face, I run some people over with a bulldozer (slowly), I participate in the X factor run away from my house and see where it goes (or else control z, without making my parents hate me), I eat a lot and then control z (new diet), Say I love you without fearing rejection I mean control z if so.

Dear reader, an action like ‘ctrl+Z’ to undo on the computer is not possible in our life but it was just an idea.  Anyhow, we can take care of ourselves by controlling our actions through our thoughts which are our driving force, before putting them on paper, but there is no Command/Control Z. in life.