20 UNSPOKEN RULES FOR MEN – Adopt to for sea-change


Compiled by HARISH MONGA

1. Never shake a hand sitting down.
Standing up shows respect and engagement. It signifies that you value the person you are meeting and are fully present in the interaction.

2. Protect who is behind you, and respect who is beside you.
This emphasizes loyalty and honor. Protecting those behind you means safeguarding your family, friends, and teammates. Respecting those beside you signifies recognizing the equality and value of your peers.

3. Never insult the cooking when you are the guest.
Showing gratitude and respect for hospitality is essential. Criticizing the cooking is disrespectful and ungrateful, especially when someone has gone out of their way to host you.

4. Never eat the last piece of something you didn’t buy.
This rule underscores courtesy and consideration for others. It demonstrates awareness and respect for shared resources and the contributions of others.

5. Never make the first offer in a negotiation.
Letting the other party make the first offer can provide strategic advantages. It gives you insight into their expectations and can help you negotiate better terms.

6. Don’t take credit for work you didn’t do.
Integrity in acknowledging others’ efforts is crucial. Taking undue credit undermines trust and damages your credibility.

7. Take the blame, and give credit when due.
Owning up to mistakes and recognizing others’ contributions builds respect and trust. It shows maturity and leadership.

8. If you are not invited, don’t ask to go.
Respecting boundaries and invitations is key to maintaining good social etiquette. It avoids awkward situations and respects the host’s intentions.

9. Always aim for the head.
This metaphorical rule can apply to many scenarios, implying that you should strive for excellence and precision in your efforts.

10. Don’t beg for a relationship.
Self-respect and dignity are important. Desperation can lead to unhealthy dynamics and undervalues your worth.

11. Dress well no matter what the occasion.
Good grooming and dressing appropriately show respect for yourself and others. It also boosts confidence and makes a positive impression.

12. Always carry cash.
Being prepared for various situations, including emergencies, is practical. It reflects foresight and responsibility.

13. Listen, nod, and most of all make eye contact.
Active listening and non-verbal engagement are crucial for effective communication. They show that you value and are attentive to the speaker.

14. Show restraint in expressing anger, no matter what. Being angry is a waste of energy.
Managing anger is vital for maintaining composure and making rational decisions. It prevents regrettable actions and fosters a more positive environment.

15. Whether it’s dinner, drinks, or both, avoid placing your phone on the dinner table.
Prioritizing face-to-face interactions over digital distractions shows respect and attentiveness to those present.

16. Never pose with alcohol.
Maintaining a responsible image is important. Posing with alcohol can convey unprofessionalism or recklessness.

17. Proper grammar will get you far in life. Leave the foul language for the less educated.
Good communication skills, including proper grammar, enhance your credibility and professionalism. Avoiding foul language shows respect and maturity.

18. Ask more than you answer.
Showing interest in others by asking questions fosters better relationships and understanding. It also demonstrates humility and a willingness to learn.

19. You can tell a great deal about a person by their handshake, so make yours strong and firm.
A firm handshake conveys confidence and sincerity. It is often the first impression you make, so it’s important to get it right.

20. Speak honestly. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Honesty builds trust and integrity. It involves being truthful and consistent, fostering deeper connections and mutual respect. Speaking honestly also means balancing truth with empathy and tact, ensuring that your words are respectful and considerate.