Honestly, it’s… World robs sad faces

Honestly, it’s…
The world robs sad faces, so one should always be happy and smiling.

“World Robs Sad Faces”

In the hustle of today’s world, sadness is often brushed aside, masked by smiles that hide the struggle within. The world seems to rob those sad faces of the right to feel, urging them to move on, to get over it, to show a brave face. In a society that glorifies resilience, expressing sadness is often misunderstood as weakness, vulnerability seen as a burden. We are trained to laugh off pain and put on a mask of joy, only to protect others from the discomfort of confronting sadness. Those sad faces, however, hold stories untold, emotions that demand acknowledgment, and a silent strength that goes unseen. If only the world paused long enough to understand the depth behind those expressions, perhaps the weight of sadness wouldn’t feel so isolating.

Frankly speaking, rather than robbing them of their truth, it’s time we recognize, support, and value the courage it takes to wear a sad face.