72/Quick-100/Power of words
72/Quick-100/Power of words
There is a saying that the tongue is a good servant but a terrible master. Putting effort into controlling our words can change our life. We all have heard, ‘Think before you speak’. Words can build up confidence, if they are wisely selected for the particular situation as the spoken words give our reflection as to who we are which can land you in trouble even up to losing relationship, friendship and your career can also suffer. The words also have their own taste and powerful, it would be better if they are tasted before you release them rather I say spit them out.
Photo courtesy BPAR
Anju Anand
Yes words are all powerful. Words are with full of vibrations and can affect to the mind and body when enter through ears. That’s why it’s said ‘think b4 u speak’. We all can experience this and we do in our daily life by some means.
Harish Monga
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