What’s in a name? Sometimes it is. ‘What’s in a name?’ is a commonly used maxim. The power of a…

What’s in a name? Sometimes it is. ‘What’s in a name?’ is a commonly used maxim. The power of a…
Wonder of five lettered words ‘SORRY’ The basic consciousness for the cultivation of good life is rooted in the emotional…
Stranger is not a stranger to me now… We have had a lot of pleasant conversations with random people on…
Secrets of working with seniors Everyone has a story to tell, even if it is something too painful to share…
Mullan Ki Daud Masjid Tak, Tumari Daud……. We have heard the phrase – Mullan Ki Daud Masjid Tak, which means…
130/19-3-2024: ਸੱਚ ਕਹਾਂ ਤਾਂ…. ਇਹ ਹੈ ਚੰਗਾ ਜਾਂ ਬੁਰਾ ਵੱਕਤ ਹਰੇਕ ਦੀ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਵਿਚ ਆਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ. ਵੱਕਤ ਨੂੰ ਕਦੇ ਵੀ…
Sometimes it’s hard to be left-handed in right-handed world One of the world’s largest minorities, left-handers have been stigmatized for…
Flattery Without Any Hidden Agenda Is A Real Gift There is a lot of difference between praise and flattery. While…