74/Quick-100/HOW TO BE HAPPY If you ask any individual or a group of people, as to what they want out…

74/Quick-100/HOW TO BE HAPPY If you ask any individual or a group of people, as to what they want out…
73/Quick-100/New Year-New Opportunity – Wordsmith Harish Monga When we share our experiences of the past year, we normally say, ‘How…
72/Quick-100/Power of words There is a saying that the tongue is a good servant but a terrible master. Putting effort…
71/QUICK-100/ Be silent or say something better than silence We often think about importance of oral, verbal and non-verbal communication.…
70/QUICK-100/Ways to enjoy happiness There could be number of ways to enjoy happiness in life. But in my opinion, there…
69/QUICK-100/Journey of word from ‘is’ to ‘was’ Life is a journey and every person has a different experience. It starts…
Reading habits – Are you too heading towards 20-20 ? HARISH MONGA Is the habit of reading books gradually declining?…
68/QUICK-100/Suffering HARISH MONGA One may, or may not agree to the version – To live is to suffer, to survive…